Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Guess where we went today?

No.. not canoeing....if you said to a restauraunt then you are right... out for Chinese food.  We went to JC Penney's (great sale, by the way) then slipped into the Ginger China on the way home.  I (alone) was not thrilled about this idea....but, boy the food is tasty and fresh there : )  This was not a good start to my diet which got off on a good foot this am. when I taught my student how to make healthy strawberry/banana yogurt smoothies!  I was on a roll....but caved in (and to think, we almost made it home)

1 comment:

  1. I was going to guess you went to the zoo, I would have been way off! look at that lobsta role, man.. I miss New England food....
