Friday, January 4, 2019

Happy Times

Mom, God has found favor with our family. Our lives have gone on down here and we are all doing well. But, we miss you very much. It's hard to believe you have been in Heaven for almost 5 years now. I think of you all the time.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

love never dies

this Christmas gift from my sister, Denise, is so special to me....will miss you till we meet again in Heaven Mom!-Sandi

Sunday, August 5, 2018

the GIFT

 The last day of our Southshore MA road trip we drove back to VT. We decided to stop and have lunch at Crackerbarrel in Londonderry, NH. Crackerbarrel was one of our Mom's favorite places. After, we went to the register to pay. As I reached for my card, I see a gift card for Crackerbarrel that I had slipped into my wallet 4 years ago, when mom passed away and I found the card in her belongings. So, I asked the cashier to give it a try, not thinking the card was good, Well, to our surprise the card was a good one! Denise and I were both so happy that Mom bought us lunch and we knew she was smiling down on us that day! Love her, miss her, thanks for lunch, Mom!